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![]() Zeus | Hera | Hades | Poseidon | Aphrodite | Hephaestus | Ares | Apollo | Athena | Discord | Strife | Alpheus | Disares | Dionysus | Lachrymose | Artemis | Muses | Nymphs
![]() ![]() ![]() Ares
![]() Ares has wormed his way back into Xena's life yet again. When she was killed in the collaps of the palce, he went to the udnerworld and stold her under the condition she would take the worship of the Olympians across the world. Once she agrees, he shows off his powers by rebuilding the palace.
Unfortunately Hades had other palns. cursing Xena to suffer a blood lust on e week out of every month, he wisks her off to Gaul where the Germanian's are invading Roman lands. He just didn't thinkit was good for his plans to have her slaughter the Senate. there Xnea kills Beowulf's brother, Wulfgar.
So Beowulf invades Rome to avenge his brother. AZccompanying Xena to the front, he gets ticked when she offers to fight Beowulf single handedly to decide the outsome of the battle. Not to be denied his war, Ares transports the reserve Geat forces to the Roamn encampment. Calling Odin out, the Gods fight invisbile to all aroudn them, save for the lightning =flashes from their battle, and the War is on. Death runs wild. Finally he beat Odin, and cleaves his head from his body. Absorbing Odin's power, he cries his triumph for all to hear and see. As Xena approaches he draws her into his arms and kisses her. His power sears her. Though he does not wish to hurt Xena, part of him inside chuckles as she feels great torment. Odin lives within him now. Who will triumph in the end?
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