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![]() ![]() ![]() Strife
![]() Strife has been having the time of his life, but who knows how long that will last. It all started when he was bored one day. This happened to coincide with the wedding of Alpheus and Brickle. Standing beside hera at the wedding, Strife sent feelings of great doubt and fear to Alpheus, who nearly did not complete his vows. In fact he didn't, Brickle answered for him, pulled him into a kiss and they were pronounced God and Nymph. Not to be let down by this little failure, Strife went to see Alpheus' almost girlfriend, Dewdrop.
convincing Dewdrop that Alpheus was being hornwswoggled by Brickle, and that his happiness depended upon Dewdrop rescuing him from this ill fated marriage, Dewdrop agrees to Strife's demented scheme. Strife told Dewdrop that the only way to save Alpheus was to keep him away from his home. So after forging a letter from thesalmon about a war with the beavers, Dewdrop sends it on its way. In no time at all, Alpheus shows up to set things to right between his river subjects. There Dewdrop confronts him about their one time love. He rejects her aand returns to Brickle. Strife moves in and exploits her emotional state.
His next plan for Dewdrop to win Alpheus' heart, is to parade around and his submissive plaything. Alpheus' true feelings of protectiveness would cause him to come to her rescue giving her the opportunity to once more get her hooks into him. Alpheus does save Dewdrop from Strife but still will not love her. She is in the depths of despair and Strife is living the high life.
That is until he sensed happiness. Seems that IOlaus ' life was finally coming to gether. He caught wind of Iolaus' thoughts, 'I have everything a man could ever ask for' , and thought that just wouldn't do. So Strife cast an aging spell upon Iolaus depriving the Golden Hunter of his health. And just when he thought things could not get any better, he happened upon Dewdrop once again. While fishing in her river, she comes to prevent him from catching the King Carp's children. Using his twisted ways and powers of seduction, he tricks Dewdrop into his bed. And here is where the tables turned. Caught in his own trap, it is Strife who falls for the fair Dewdrop. Vowing he will only hurt her, he decides to leave but her kisses stop his departure. Who knows what it is she sees in him but clearly she finds him exciting. He can't complain none either.
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