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![]() Zeus | Hera | Hades | Poseidon | Aphrodite | Hephaestus | Ares | Apollo | Athena | Discord | Strife | Alpheus | Disares | Dionysus | Lachrymose | Artemis | Muses | Nymphs
![]() ![]() ![]() Alpheus
![]() Alpheus, the God of hte Rivers, is a long time drinking buddy and underlord of Poseidon. His womanizng, or I should say nympanizing, ways were doomed to end the day he met Brickle the water nymph. She captured his heart and though he kept up the pretense of being a rake, he had in fact only one love in his life. Everything was goping well in his life until he came to the aid of Poseidon. Poseidon wished to take revenge upon aphrodite for messing up his plans with Opal. Alpheus knew just the thing to get even. Going to a well known figure named Smeagol for a potion, the River God became part of a plan which would have wide reprocussions across the entire world. The potion, when Alpheus drank it, would make Aphrodite fall desperately in love with him At the same time it would erase all knowledge of the plan from his memory and make Aphrodite appear to be the most hideous creature in the world to his eyes.
Horrified by this beast's infatuation with him, Alpheus rejects the Goddess of Love. Totally crushed by his words, Aphrodite throws herself into the abyss forever removing Love from the world. Released from his love from Brickle, Alpheus makes a date to see the water nymph Dewdrop. Once Aphrodite was rescued and Love was returned, Alpheus knew in his heart that he could not live wothout Brickle in his life. The two lovers wed and upon returning home for their honeymoon, Alpheus find Dewdrop waiting in his bed as planned. It was quite a time he had convincing Brickle that it all was a mistake due to the time of no Love.
Once things were stable again, Brickle announced she was carrying his child. Very pleased with the news the couple celebrate their love. All is well though until his mother in law , Seafoam , comes to visit.
He had some quick explaining to do to convince the protective mother that his intentions were good and his love was real.
After some interferarence by Strife, his life returns to normal. that is until Discord kidnaps his bride. they effected a rescue of her but she now has no memory of their marriage. Giving his life to Athena in servetude, Alpheus gets the Goddess to heal her body, but the mind must heal on its own. Here the river God relives the courtship of Brickle in hopes that her memory will return. Once again he proposes marriage. He gets the King Carp to perform the wedidng vows, but when his bride refuses to swear to obey her husband, the Carp and Brickle begin a struggle of wills. Refusing to unite them in wedlock unless she recites the traditional vows, Brickle agrees to call the wedding off and have some one else officiate. The King Carp cursed the willful Brickle to a life of pain until she swear obedience to her husband. Her river rejects Brickle and causes her pain.
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