portrayed by:
emerald isle
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Oracle   |   Seafoam   |   Winkler   |   Joy   |   Brickle   |   Dewdrop   |   Ide
Seafoam is the step mother of Brickle. She set off to give Alpheus an ear full in the hopes to get him to marry her step daughter or to leave her alone. She was quite pleased to learn he had married her daughter and they were now expecting a child. But when her daughter  was kidnapped she and Winkler searched high and low to find her. Traveling to the Oracle, they soon figured out the riddle as to Brickle's whereabouts. Relaying the information to Alpheus, he rescued Brickle. Seafoam and Winkler get it into their heads to bride Dionysus to punish Discord. After drinking an entire bottle of seaweed wine, they take a whole cartload of the vintage to Dionysus' temple. Thought the God has answered their prayer and has agreed to teach Discord a lesson, the two ladies are now having second thoughts.