portrayed by:
Trendle Redcap

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Annubis   |   Qeb-Hwt
Qeb-Hwt, Egyptian Goddess of the Healing Waters and daughter of Annubis, has once more escaped her father's domain and gone to the surface to explore.  In the great tmeple she spies a thief who is attempting to take her urn, the symbol of her power.  Challenging the intruder she learns he is the Olypmian God, Poseidon.  He apparently is looking for an exotic gift to give away as a wedding presant. She offers to take him to the market where he may BUY a gift.  As the day wears on she becomes imtrigued with the King of the Seas.  She has lost her heart to this strong entity and is enraptured by his kindness and novely ways.

Unfortunately her father comes and spoils her fun. But it is too late for to ever return to her home and live in contentment; Qeb-Hwt has fallen in love with Poseidon. Her father gives her a choice. Either give up Poseidon or leave with the God and give up her powers. She refuses to give her powers up and resigns her self to a life of misery and longing.  Annubis gives her one day in which to bid farewell to Poseidon forever.

Poseidon takes her on a cruise upon his private ship. gazing into the water she will the waters to still and stop time. She knows this is not something she has the power to do and is suprised when they find themselves in a different realm altogether.  Although they have not solved this puzzle, it ws the conection between Qeb-Hwt and Poseidon at the precise moment of using htier powers, combined with a rift in the fabric of the realm, that caused this mishap to occur. Poseidon had been commanding the waters to carry them to the south when he and Qeb-hwt brushed shoulders.