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emerald isle

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Annubis   |   Qeb-Hwt
Annubis, Egyptian Lord of the Underworld, has an errant daughter who seems to always be running off.  Only trying to protect her from harm, for she is lovely beyond compare, he forbids her to leave their domain without his escort.  she disobeys him and he goes to find her inthe amrs of Poseidon of all people. Never before had he raised his hand to her, butthis day he struck her to the ground.  Forbidding her to leave he takes her home after words with Poseidon.  Later, Poseidon convinces Annubis to allow him to say goodbye to her.  Seeing ther love for one another, Annubis gives Qeb-Hwt an ultimatum. She may leave with Poseidon but must give up her poers. She refuses to become less than she is but takes the day he has given her inwhich to bid her love farewell.