portrayed by:
Trendle Redcap
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Opal   |   Ephiny   |   Zepora   |   Julip   |   Glaydus   |   Yakut
Opal is a fun loving Amazon. One minute we see her ripping the arms from dead bodies and beating the faces of her prisoners with it, and the next thing you know she is falling in love. And with who? Autolycus King of Thieves, that's who.  Having lost her heart to the dashing scallywagg, she also manages to catch the eye of Poseidon. Goaded on by Hera, Poseidon steals Opal away. Although using no spell upon her, his presence, his godly magnitude is much to much for her to resist. Hating herself and unable to resist, Opal falls in love with the Sea King. This caused great mischief in the world. Aphrodite is called upon my Autolycus to rescue his love.

Out in the ocean on an island, Opal endures the tremmors of her heart. While Poseidon is near she has no control over her senses, she hungers for him mightyly. Yet when he is away, his essence fills her no more and she grieves for the loss of Autolcyus. It is only when Poseidon threatens the life of Autolycus that she lets go the last dreams she hold of the theif, and turns her eyes upon Poseidon. She is his totally and the last glimpses of her love flees from her heart forever.

Well this just ticks Aphrodite off hwen she hears about it. So she goes and messes things up so badly that Poseidon releases Opal for good. Long talks and many tender moments later, the two have healed their hearts from the encounter with the God. Autolycus has asked Opal to wed and she has accepted. Still, one wonders what will happen when her sister Amazons find out.